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What is a proxy server?

Proxy OkeyProxy

What is a proxy server and how does it work? You'll find out through this article.

What is a proxy server?

Proxy is a special network service that allows a network terminal (usually a client) to communicate indirectly with another network terminal (usually a server) through the service. Some network devices, such as gateways and routers, have the network proxy function. It is generally believed that proxy service is beneficial to protect the privacy or security of network terminals to prevent attacks.

How does the proxy server work?

How an agent works is simple if you don't get into the technical details. As I stated in my definition, a proxy is a server that acts as a gateway between you and the Internet. Why do we need them? While there are many reasons, the main one boils down to data security.

When you don't use a proxy, the requests you send to the site go directly to the site. However, when you use a proxy, the situation is different. When you send a request, it first goes to a proxy server, which modifies it (if you need to replace your real IP address with another one), and then sends the request to your requesting website. The response is then sent to the agent, who sends it back to you.

When you don't use a proxy, the requests you send to the site go directly to the site. However, when you use a proxy, the situation is different. When you send a request, it first goes to a proxy server, which modifies it (replacing your real IP address with another one), and then sends the request to your requesting website. The response is then sent to the agent, who sends it back to you.

With this setup and the agent's mode of operation, your computer can completely block and hide the website you are visiting because your computer is not sending the request to it.

Proxies allow you to access the Internet from locations you have not previously accessed and access their local data. Although it has many advantages, there is no doubt that it also has its disadvantages. Because proxy servers have access to the information sent through them, they can in turn alter the data and, in some cases, become a model for implementing Internet censorship.

The role of agency

A proxy server is an encrypted anonymous proxy that not only changes your IP address, but also encrypts Internet browsing sessions to keep you safe and protected by SSL. Below to understand its application role!

Personal use agent

◾ Protect your personal privacy online

◾ invisible in search engines

◾ Mask your location based on a proxy server

◾ It's safer to shop and bank online

◾ Stop tracking from your ISP

Agent for commercial use

◾ Research competitors anonymously

Your competitors know when you visit their website. What's worse, depending on your IP address, they can even send you to virtual sites, leaving you ignorant of what they have to offer. Using a private agent (an anonymous agent), you can be sure to see that competitors know they can't see you.

◾ Bypass restrictions Publish restrictions

When you reach the publishing limit on the site, they will use your IP address and cookies to block you. Circumvent site restrictions through private proxies. With a random rotation of IP addresses, you get a new IP address every thirty minutes so you can continue to post.

◾ Publish your website anonymously

When Posting information on your website, you can be anonymous, which allows you to publicize your website as a user, rather than the actual company. Private proxy servers mask your company's IP address, so websites and users don't know where you're coming from.

◾ Unblock websites that you are not allowed to access

Companies restrict your access to their sites by using a combination of tracking cookies and your IP address. With a dedicated agent, you choose your location and the dedicated agent takes care of the rest. It randomly changes your IP address every 30 minutes, which makes it hard for websites to block you.

Agent for travelers

◾ Protect your wireless activity while browsing the Internet

Every time you connect to the Internet via a hotspot or public Wifi, people near you can view all of your web surfing. Using simple, and sometimes free, packet-sniffing software, criminals can see everything you transmit over your WiFi connection. Using a dedicated proxy, you can secure Internet browsing by establishing a secure tunnel. Dedicated proxies use anonymous proxies, which are secure tunnels that encrypt all your browser traffic so it can't be intercepted and read.

◾ Stop criminals from intercepting your Internet surfing

When you connect via public Wifi, you may actually be connecting to a fraudulent hotspot. These hotspots, known as the evil Twins, route all of your traffic through their connections, enabling them to record all of your Internet traffic. With Private Proxy's secure tunnel, you can drive connections directly through the evil twin that protects all of your Internet browsing.

◾ Connect to your browser securely from your hotel room

When you accept the hotel's terms and conditions, they will usually warn you that the connection is not secure. With private agents, you can protect any browser session with one click. A private proxy's secure tunnel protects your browsing data so no one can intercept and read it.

◾ Secure browsing from airports, hotspots and insecure networks

Whether you're using free Wi-Fi at the airport or logging in at your favorite coffee shop, surfing the Internet is never safe. Even if you connect your laptop to someone else's network as a guest, there is no way to determine who is monitoring your connection. With a dedicated proxy, any browser session can be secured with a single click. Our secure tunnel protects your browsing, so no one can intercept your connection and spy on you!

Disadvantages of agents

While proxy servers bring us a lot of convenience, they do have their own side effects.

The first is the cached data storage system, which is adopted by most proxy service providers. Admittedly, this feature makes it a lot easier to search for content from the Internet and other external sources, but the downside of this system is that the proxy server may not be able to distinguish between what you're storing and what you're saving. As a result, your passwords and other private data are also stored on the server.

We also learned that agents use SSL encryption to maintain anonymity. However, any hacker proficient in this language could easily break into a web page (effectively a proxy server) and gain access to all of your personal data.

In addition to this, there are malicious or corrupt agents that return unwanted results to you and instead load malware and harmful data into your computer. In addition to depriving you of proper information, this can seriously damage your server.

Finally, there are some ethical dimensions to the use of agents. Proxies are used to access blocked or inaccessible sites, which could be pornography sites or lucrative sites trying to deceive the masses. But in this case, the proxy servers themselves should not be blamed, but rather it should depend on how individuals choose to use them.


As a result, we can see that proxy servers are excellent for research-based activities, allowing people to easily bypass firewalls and other barriers that prevent them from accessing the resources they need. However, the negative effects of these agents cannot be ignored. But it's safe to say that targeting all the positives they offer is very useful. After reading this article, you'll have a good idea of what you might have to look for when using or installing a proxy server.

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  • 动态住宅代理
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  • 静态住宅代理(ISP)
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